Real World Learning

The best way to understand how you can make a difference in protecting your nearby waters is to learn from examples that are similar to problems in your area, to learn what others have done to improve the situation, and to learn what your options are. Below we touch on three examples in the Chesapeake Bay region – sewage pollution in Back River in Baltimore, coal ash contamination in the Susquehanna and Potomac Rivers, and flooding caused by irresponsible development in the Patuxent River.

Real World Stories

We must hold polluters and agencies ACCOUNTABLE


Blue Water Baltimore identified high levels of bacteria, floating fats, oil and grease downstream of the Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Coal Ash

Drinking water for Potomac and Susquehanna River communities was exposed to highly dangerous pollutants from coal ash ponds.


A huge housing development caused extreme flooding in a Patuxent River community, resulting in land erosion and property damage.
